Become a Studying and Learning Machine

IDR 449.000

The best students, the top performers, the quickest learners - it's not by luck. They know what they're doing, and you can be like them, too.

We've never been taught how to learn. Yet learning is the keystone to any goal you want to achieve. Let's start changing your life with this very book.

A learning structure and framework that takes you from A-Z, in what to do and how to approach it.

STUDYING AND LEARNING MACHINE takes you on a psychological and physiological journey of your brain and shows you how to work with it best. What your brain likes and hates will have a 1000% impact on how quickly and effectively you learn. The more you learn, the more you earn! So let's go on this journey together of how to maximize your time, money, and life path!

Master your approach and save countless hours.

Cover : Softcover
Author : Peter Hollins
Language : English
ISBN : 9781647435462

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