Holding Space for the Sun

IDR 299.000
Life is an endless journey of perpetual healing, growth, and realizations. Holding Space for the Sun, Jamal Cadoura’s 5th book articulates these themes beautifully.

Cadoura draws off his own experiences, taking you through the lows of heartbreak and failure to the highs of inner evolution and light. He became the voice he always felt he needed to hear. This book masterfully interweaves prose filled with encouragement, light-heartedness, and positivity, with meaningful experiences and reminders that will guide you toward your most authentic self.

Cadoura will ignite and reawaken parts of you you’ve long forgotten. Prepare to let go of your deepest pain, remember your worth, and embrace everything you deserve.

Cover : Softcover
Author : Jamal Cadoura
Language : English
ISBN : 9781949759488

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